Covenant Classical School
- Grades: KG-10
- Student Enrollment: 91

5 out of 5 | 1 Review
- Address
- 2035 East 75th Street
- Naperville, IL 60565
- Phone
- (630) 983-7500
- Other Details
- Principal or Admin: Camie Perrin
- Website:
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School Description
Covenant Classical school is a private classical Christian school in Naperville, Illinois.
Features of Covenant Classical School include:
· Independent, non-denominational, classical Christian school
· Grades K – 10
· Half and full day Kindergarten
· Small class sizes (18 maximum)
· Classically trained teachers
· College-preparatory academics
· Engaged learning environment
· Need-based and pastor family tuition discounts
· Part-time options for home schooled students
At Covenant Classical School, rather than simply filling students’ minds with facts, we go further to develop a student’s ability to think, reason, read, write, and speak well. For the student at Covenant, all the subjects (from physical education to Latin to art) are mutually integrated and bound up in the life of faith. Through the integration of life and faith, students develop a thorough Christian worldview–and then live it out!
For more information please call the school office at 630-983-7500 or visit the school’s website at
Faculty Details and Student Enrollment
- Total Students Enrolled: 91
- Total Full Time "Equivalent" Teachers: 11.0
- Average Student-To-Teacher Ratio: 8.3

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