Seeds of Wisdom Early Development Center
- Grades: Unknown
- Student Enrollment: 30
- Address
- 4925 Hwy 52 North
- Rochester, MN 55901
- Phone
- (507) 206-6633
School Description
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SEEDS OF WISDOM EARLY DEVELOPMENT CENTER exists to provide quality childcare in an environment that promotes Christian principles and reaffirms parental values, while providing the necessary interaction and stimuli to encourage each child to reach their fullest physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual potential. Our goals are as follows:
Promote Christian principles and reaffirm parental values.
Encourage each child to reach their highest mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual potential.
Present meaningful activities and lessons to stimulate cognitive and social development.
Emphasize Kindergarten Readiness Skills on a daily basis for Toddlers and Pre-shoolers.
Prepare children for real world experiences through the use of multimedia and technology.
Enhance student experiences with educational outings and fieldtrips.
School Ratings and Reviews
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Faculty Details and Student Enrollment
- Total Students Enrolled: 30
- Total Full Time "Equivalent" Teachers: 4.0
- Average Student-To-Teacher Ratio: 7.5
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