St Leo School

  • Grades: PK-8
  • Student Enrollment: 169
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  • Address
  • 255 Huntertown Rd.
  • Versailles, KY 40383
  • Phone
  • (859) 873-4591
  • Other Details
  • Principal or Admin: George Pressey
  • Website:
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School Description

Who We Are

Our mission is to develop Christ-centered students with active and creative minds, a compassion for others, the courage to act on their beliefs, and a commitment to live generously in service to others.

Our vision is for St. Leo School to be a safe, nurturing, faith community where teachers and families come together to educate, inspire and support each student according to his or her unique gifts.

Our Students: In joining St. Leo School, you join a community of students in grades Prekindergarten through 8th grade. Students come from Woodford County, Lexington, Frankfort, Georgetown, and Lawrenceburg, and all parts in between. Students in Woodford County have public school bus transportation available to them.

Although St. Leo is a Catholic school, all are welcome, parishioner and non-parishioner, Catholic and non-Catholic.

Our Learning Environment: St. Leo provides a friendly, relaxed, family-like atmosphere of learning for your child. Your child enters a community of learners that supports and nurtures holistic growth of mind, body, and soul. Our curriculum integrates each of these aspects into your child’s day at school. Just like a family, student, faculty, staff, and parents work to build positive relationships.

Our Proven Results: Catholic schools such as St. Leo are renowned for academic excellence. Students in Catholic schools consistently score in the top 1/3 on nationally standardized tests. St. Leo student’s performed extremely well in our latests Terra Nova testing.

Our Satisfied Customers: We encourage you to talk to students and parents about their experience at St. Leo. We are confident that you will hear that the school delivers on its educational promises.

Our Faculty: Our St. Leo principal, Mr. George Pressey, has assembled a wonderful team of highly qualified professionals committed to your child’s academic success and overall personal wellnes.

Our Facility: Our school facility is state-of-the art where students can enjoy a rich education. The St. Leo community is proud of its efforts in construction of our new facility.  The new school houses a science lab furnished by Alltech, a new library/media center, art room, music room, and gymnasium.

Our Catholic Identity: St. Leo School’s student body is comprised primarily of students from the Roman Catholic faith tradition. However, students from all faith traditions are welcome and regularly enroll.  Our children participate in liturgies that include Mass and various prayer services, classroom prayer, and preparation for sacraments. As part of our school’s emphasis on spiritual development, children experience many different kinds of service projects throughout the school year.

Our Families: In joining the St. Leo School family, you enter a community committed to building a caring, loving, and supportive environment for our children. This is evident in the way our families come together to support both the school and each other. In addition to participation in our PTO, there are countless volunteer opportunities to fit any schedule and talent you may have.

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Faculty Details and Student Enrollment

Students and Faculty
  • Total Students Enrolled: 169
  • Total Full Time "Equivalent" Teachers: 11.6
    Full-Time Teachers: 11
    Part-Time Teachers: 3
  • Average Student-To-Teacher Ratio: 14.6
  • Percent Minority Students: 7.1%
Students Gender Breakdown
  • Males: 80 (47.3%)
  • Females: 89 (52.7%)
Student Enrollment Distribution by Race / Ethnicity
St Leo School Student Race Distribution
  Number Percent
American Indian--
Number of Students Per Grade
Number of Students Per Grade For St Leo School
  Number Percent
1st Grade158.9%
2nd Grade2011.8%
3rd Grade2011.8%
4th Grade1710.1%
5th Grade1710.1%
6th Grade2213.0%
7th Grade2514.8%
8th Grade1710.1%
Source: KY Department of Education, Source: NCES 2009-2010

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