Our Lady's Academy

  • Grades: PK-8
  • Student Enrollment: 233
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  • Address
  • 920 Trapelo Rd
  • Waltham, MA 02452
  • Phone
  • (781) 899-8734
  • Other Details
  • Website: www.ourladysacademy.org
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School Description

Our Mission
Our mission at Our Lady's Academy is to cultivate the foundations of learning through community and family interactions in the Catholic faith. We respect and appreciate the diversity of all cultures and learners and challenge them to reach their full potential. An education at Our Lady's Academy prepares students to be responsible and productive citizens while leading a life of Christian service.

Our Philosophy
At Our Lady's Academy, educators and parents work together to enable the students to develop a set of values which includes: self worth, self discipline, and a moral way of life. Our students demonstrate the love of God by living these values. We strive to build confidence in our students by teaching independence and critical thinking skills while utilizing their strengths and improving upon their weaknesses. Throughout the educational process, the students are challenged and encouraged to use their knowledge to become independent thinkers and make sound judgments based on Christian values.
Our educational philosophy is based on the teacher as the facilitator and guide in the education of the students. The teacher fosters a desire for lifelong learning and acts as a role model. Our Lady's Academy aspires to help children develop their full potential by using a variety of teaching methods and assessment techniques.
Our school community is dedicated to cultivating an appreciation of individuality found within our classrooms. Each student is taught to accept and respect the diversity which encompasses our lives.  The students then develop the ability to make connections between school and life experiences. Students leave Our Lady's Academy able to use Christian values socially, intellectually, and spiritually.
Our Goals
Our goals are to give each student the knowledge of Catholic teachings and traditions, and to have each student strive for achievement in communication skills, computational skills, proficiency in critical and objective thinking, a clear perception of nature and environment, and acceptance of responsibility for citizenship. Our school is obliged to help each student have a knowledge of self, appreciation of others, respect for law and authority, clarification of values, and appreciation of the achievement of humanity.

Our Faculty
Our enthusiastic, devoted, and caring faculty is the heart of Our Lady's Academy. Our teachers are carefully chosen to ensure that their values and attitudes are consistent with the philosophy and goals of the Academy. They provide a nurturing learning environment in which each child can grow and develop both academically and socially. All teachers are fully certified and teach in the area in which they are certified, and most hold advanced degrees.

Our faculty is particularly attuned to preparing students for the challenges of high school and teach a rigorous and balanced curriculum in math and science. It is here that the basic skills of reading, writing, and computing are polished. We are committed to inspiring the pursuit of moral and intellectual excellence.

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Faculty Details and Student Enrollment

Students and Faculty
  • Total Students Enrolled: 233
  • Total Full Time "Equivalent" Teachers: 22.5
    Full-Time Teachers: 16
    Part-Time Teachers: 8
  • Average Student-To-Teacher Ratio: 10.4
  • Percent Minority Students: 18.5%
Students Gender Breakdown
  • Males: 99 (42.5%)
  • Females: 134 (57.5%)
Student Enrollment Distribution by Race / Ethnicity
Our Lady's Academy Student Race Distribution
  Number Percent
American Indian--
Number of Students Per Grade
Number of Students Per Grade For Our Lady's Academy
  Number Percent
1st Grade3012.9%
2nd Grade3012.9%
3rd Grade2711.6%
4th Grade2711.6%
5th Grade3012.9%
6th Grade166.9%
7th Grade104.3%
8th Grade187.7%
Source: MA Department of Education, Source: NCES 2009-2010

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