St Paul Lutheran School

  • Grades: PK-8
  • Student Enrollment: 96
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5 out of 5 | 1 Review
  • Address
  • 508 S Williams St
  • Royal Oak, MI 48067
  • Phone
  • (248) 546-6555
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School Description

St Paul Lutheran School enrolls 96 preschool and elementary school students from grades PK-8. It is located in Royal Oak, MI, which is a highly populated city with a median household income of $52,252.

School Operational Details
  • Students Have Access to a Library or Media Center
School Days and Hours
  • School Days Per Year: 176
    Note: Kindergarten Operates Five Days Per Week
  • School Hours Per Day: 7
    Note: Kindergarten Operates on a Full Day Schedule
School Religious Orientation
  • Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod
School Associations
  • Other school association(s)
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School Ratings and Reviews

Overall Rating

5 out of 5 | 1 Review
The Overall Rating is the school's average rating from parents, students, school faculty and staff. The highest rating is five apples and the lowest is one apple.

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1 review for St Paul Lutheran School

  • Reviewed by Parent/Guardian on February 26, 2007
  • Rating: 5 (5 / 5) Flag as inappropriate
  • I am a single mother of two children. My son is 8, and my daughter just turned 5. David attended Whittier for kindergarten and first grade. Ms. Levine was his kindergarten teacher, and Miss Gustafson was his first grade teacher. It was at the end of his first grade year that I made the decision to send him to St. Paul. When I shared my decision with Miss Gustafson, she thought it was wonderful because he would thrive in a classroom of 11 children.

    He is halfway through second grade, and I know that I made the right decision. In his class of 11, there were only 2 children that he didn’t know on his first day at school. He knew the rest from either his 4 year old preschool class at St. Paul, or from Vacation Bible School. When he and I entered his classroom that morning, the kids came running up to him welcoming him. One reason I chose to send him to St. Paul is the strong sense of family. The staff, administration, and other parents have a genuine interest in the students. Joann Bierwirth, the preschool and latchkey director treats the children like they are her own. When David heard she opened latchkey at 6:30 a.m., he wanted me to drop him off at that time instead of our usual time.

    The PTL is very active in the school, and they keep the parents well informed of events, activities, and issues that involve the school as a whole. Since David has started school at St. Paul, I have also made many new friends with other parents and staff.

    When I heard that the volleyball coach needed help with girls varsity, I jumped at the opportunity to help out. Volleyball has been a passion of mine since grade school also. It’s a wonderful experience for me to get to work with the seventh and eighth grade girls while practicing with them after school. It’s also a very unique experience for them, because they get to start sports in the fourth grade and play as a team all the way through the eighth grade.

    One thing that I find extremely helpful as a working parent is their drop off and pick up procedure. It is well organized and implemented that all I have to do is pull up to his assigned door and let him out. At pick up time, the same thing. It is so convenient not to worry about parking or getting out of the car and waiting for the bell to ring.
    Since I have had such a positive experience with him attending St. Paul, I have made the decision to send my daughter there for kindergarten in the fall.

    It’s not just the small class size or the family environment that lead me to St. Paul. It’s the Christian instruction that my children receive. It’s something that they cannot receive by attending church on a weekly basis. It’s a tradition with my family. My mother went to a Christian day school, she sent us kids to the same Christian day school, my sister sends her kids to the same Christian day school, and her daughter sends her child to the same Christian day school. I don’t live back home in Bay City so that my children can attend the same Christian day school as I did, but I feel very fortunate to have St. Paul right here in my community so I can provide my children with the same Christian instruction that my mother provided me with.

Faculty Details and Student Enrollment

Students and Faculty
  • Total Students Enrolled: 96
  • Total Full Time "Equivalent" Teachers: 6.6
    Full-Time Teachers: 5
    Part-Time Teachers: 3
  • Average Student-To-Teacher Ratio: 12.3
  • Percent Minority Students: 11.5%
Students Gender Breakdown
  • Males: 35 (36.5%)
  • Females: 61 (63.5%)
Student Enrollment Distribution by Race / Ethnicity
St Paul Lutheran School Student Race Distribution
  Number Percent
American Indian--
Number of Students Per Grade
Number of Students Per Grade For St Paul Lutheran School
  Number Percent
1st Grade1111.5%
2nd Grade1111.5%
3rd Grade1010.4%
4th Grade88.3%
5th Grade1414.6%
6th Grade44.2%
7th Grade66.3%
8th Grade55.2%
Source: MI Department of Education, Source: NCES 2009-2010
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