Forest Park Christian School
- Student Enrollment: 115
- Address
- 5600 Karl Rd
- Columbus, OH 43229
- Phone
- (614) 888-5282
- Other Details
- Fax: (614) 888-4887
- Website:
School Description
Forest Park Christian School is a Columbus Ohio Christian Preschool and All Day Kindergarten in North Columbus providing before and after school care with transportation and a Summer Day Camp. Forest Park Christian School has over 25 years in children\'s education. We are located in Forest Park next to the Columbus Public Library on Karl Rd.
We are open for enrollment in the following age groups:
Preschool - Age 3
Pre-Kindergarten - Ages 4-5
All Day Kindergarten
Before & After School Program with transportation to the following schools:
Alpine \ Avalon \ Colonial Hills \ Devonshire \ Forest Park \ Northtowne \ Parkmoor \ Valley Forge \ Westview Worthington Christian
School Ratings and Reviews
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Faculty Details and Student Enrollment
- Total Students Enrolled: 115
- Total Full Time "Equivalent" Teachers: 11.0Full-Time Teachers: 1
- Average Student-To-Teacher Ratio: 10.5
- Percent Minority Students: 3.5%
- Males: 3 (2.6%)
- Females: 32 (27.8%)
School Community Forum
Join a discussion about Forest Park Christian School and talk to others in the community including students, parents, teachers, and administrators.
- Admissions and Registration Questions (e.g. Dress Code and Discipline Policy)
- School Calendar and Upcoming Events (e.g. Graduation)
- After School Programs, Extracurricular Activities, and Athletics (e.g. Football)
- News and Announcements (e.g. Yearbook and Class Supply List Details)
- Graduate and Alumni Events (e.g. Organizing Class Reunions)
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