Villa Maria Academy Lower School

  • Grades: KG-8
  • Student Enrollment: 378
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5 out of 5 | 3 Reviews
  • Address
  • 1140 King Rd
  • Immaculata, PA 19345
  • Phone
  • (610) 644-4864
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School Description

Villa Maria Academy Lower School enrolls 378 elementary school students from grades KG-8.

School Operational Details
  • Enrolls Only Female Students
  • Students Have Access to a Library or Media Center
School Days and Hours
  • School Days Per Year: 180
    Note: Kindergarten Operates Five Days Per Week
  • School Hours Per Day: 7
    Note: Kindergarten Operates on a Full Day Schedule
School Religious Orientation
  • Amish
School Associations
  • National Catholic Educational Association (NCEA)
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Overall Rating

5 out of 5 | 3 Reviews
The Overall Rating is the school's average rating from parents, students, school faculty and staff. The highest rating is five apples and the lowest is one apple.

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3 reviews for Villa Maria Academy Lower School

  • Reviewed by Parent or Guardian on December 07, 2012
  • Rating: 5 (5 / 5) Flag as inappropriate
  • We now have three children at VMA. this school is ahead of any school I know. The use and application of technology has been implemented in the last few years and is now throughout the entire school. It is so good that as our oldest is going onto high school, it is so evident and we have found many schools lacking. Our girls are doing extremely well. The support is amazing from the other mothers. It is a wonderful community.
    Our youngest is in the new preschool at VMA. We were very wary about it being the first year. I have to make one thing very clear to anyone reading this. This preschool is amazing. Our child is doing what our older children did in kindergarten. These teachers are simply phenomenal. So you know all about "university preschools"in New York and how people are fighting to get into them and paying $20000? Well, this preschool is just "The Best" If you can , get your kids in here. What an unbelievable jump ahead. The facility may look small but the experience is enormous. We consider ourselves very lucky to be apart of this per school. Our child will be very prepared and the kind and loving environment is just what parents want for their kids. I don't write these reviews but this one I had to report.
  • Reviewed by Parent or Guardian on March 23, 2011
  • Rating: 5 (5 / 5) Flag as inappropriate
  • I have 2 daughters in VMA too. I have seen my children grow each year with great characters. Confident but not braggy, they hold their ground and defend themselves during an argument or when we question them, but still with respect. My children love their school so much. Unfortunately, next school year we will be moving them to a new school. Our youngest, a boy, will be starting kinder. We registered him to our parish school since St. Aloysius is so far away from us. We had no intention of moving our girls, however, my oldest, a 5th grader, talked to us and told us that she wants to be with his brother to watch over him since in 3 years time she will be HS. That it is best for the 3 of them, everyone to be in the same school to watch and be with each other. She said they are very sad about this, however, family is important and that family should stay together. She even mentioned, that this is their school's motto and what is taught to them. She also said the school is being handled by IHM sisters too, so it will still somewhat the same. I cried when she told me this. I would like to let them stay in Villa, however, my child's words with her wisdom, beyond her years, are true. My second girl chimed in and said it is the best. It breaks my heart to move them since we love Villa so much too. However, seeing, witnessing and hearing my girls say all these things made me proud of them. Villa has taught them well - Unconditional love, love for others, respect, unselfishness, created smart girls and wisdom beyond their years. The school provides all of these things. A very great environment for a child to grow and learn in.
  • Reviewed by Parent/Guardian on March 30, 2010
  • Rating: 5 (5 / 5) Flag as inappropriate
  • I have 2 girls at Villa Maria Academy and am a High School Alum myself. I cannot say enough good things about the school and can honestly say that my girls love it there too!
    The principal is wonderful and the girls absolutely adore her. She's really fun, and positive and motivating and you get the sense she REALLY loves what she does. She's encouraging and generous in her time.
    Academically, I think its great for my 2. Are there others which are even better academically, I'm sure . . . There always are! BUT, they have definitely challenged my girls, and appropriately so. My oldest daughter has been doing a national on-line computer-based math challenge and her class is 1st in the nation. I think you will be very impressed by the older girls also. . .that's what sold me during my "Visit to Villa" day. They are sooo poised and confident. . . It's really astounding. I had to keep reminding myself that they were only in 7th & 8th grade. They really do encourage the girls to be strong and confident and "whole" which is critical to developibng true leaders. They have a slew of family events through the year which is nice and lots of opportunities to volunteer @ the school, if you are so inclined. . .but no pressure/guilt, if you are not.
    Both girls seem to respond well to their teachers. Some are stricter than others, which I am fine with, but they seem to try to match the girls up with the teaching style they most need year to year. They mix the girls around between the 2 classes (A or B) from grade to grade so they eventually get to know all of them which is really nice. They have extra music, baton and dance classes in addition to all the sports programs after school. During school, they have each of the following once a week in addition to regular curriculum: Spanish, gym, ballet, computers, art, & music. Once they get to 3rd grade they also have science lab once a week. At the end of the year there's a big dance showcase the whole school participates in where each class performs a dance and then each of the afterschool dance groups perform their "recital" piece as well. This gets everyone involved whether they are a good dancer or not. And the most I've ever had to pay for that "recital" is $6 for a t-shirt from Michael's. I will say, that they are going through a capital campaign right now, looking to rebuild the gym and turn it into a "Performance Hall", re-doing the playgrounds, the "bus terminal", athletic fields, and build a pre-school. THis will put them on par with some of the other private schools in the area., BUT even as is, for a private school on a beautiful campus, in a safe area, with great faculty, and just an awesome overall vibe. . .it's perfect for us and money well spent! The girls are really nice, the families (for the majority) are super down to earth, friendly, welcoming. . . NORMAL. Not a lot of noses in the air. . . I really can't say enough good things about it.

Faculty Details and Student Enrollment

Students and Faculty
  • Total Students Enrolled: 378
  • Total Full Time "Equivalent" Teachers: 25.6
    Full-Time Teachers: 23
    Part-Time Teachers: 3
  • Average Student-To-Teacher Ratio: 14.8
  • Percent Minority Students: 1.1%
Students Gender Breakdown
  • Males: - (-)
  • Females: 378 (100.0%)
Student Enrollment Distribution by Race / Ethnicity
Villa Maria Academy Lower School Student Race Distribution
  Number Percent
American Indian--
Number of Students Per Grade
Number of Students Per Grade For Villa Maria Academy Lower School
  Number Percent
1st Grade3810.1%
2nd Grade4612.2%
3rd Grade4612.2%
4th Grade4311.4%
5th Grade4612.2%
6th Grade4010.6%
7th Grade4511.9%
8th Grade4411.6%
Source: PA Department of Education, Source: NCES 2009-2010

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