Austin Children's Academy
- Grades: PRESCHOOL-5
- Student Enrollment: 75
- Address
- 12310 Ranch Road 620 North
- Austin, TX 78750
- Phone
- (512) 331-2075
School Description
Austin Children\'s Academy Enrolling Today! Call 512-331-2075! Programs available for children ages between 6 months - 6 years Ask About Our: -After-School Pickup & Enhanced Tutoring -Enrichment Programs including a Professional Recording Studio -Expanision to our Playground
Give your child the opportunity to grow and learn in an environment where individuality is encouraged. At Austin Children\'s Academy (ACA), students will develop fundamental skills that will form the foundation of a successful life. ACA is a Montessori School incorporating the educational philosophy of Dr. Maria Montessori, a globally recognized philosophy exemplifying excellence in early child development and education. ACA\'s mission is to provide a comprehensive educational program based on the Montessori Method while incorporating a 21st century outlook by also providing a variety of supplemental enrichment programs such as foreign languages, computers, dance, music, creative theater, art and sports. This will prepare students to live in today’s technologically advanced world while acquiring an array of skills promoting each child\'s natural curiosity for learning and developing a solid foundation for their future. Also ask about our After-School Pick Up and Enhanced Tutoring Program for school-aged students, here at Austin Children’s Academy. Call 512-331-2075 for more information and to schedule your private tour with the Director and meet the staff and parents of ACA. |
School Ratings and Reviews
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Faculty Details and Student Enrollment
- Total Students Enrolled: 75
- Total Full Time "Equivalent" Teachers: 13.0
- Average Student-To-Teacher Ratio: 5.8
Number | Percent | |
Pre-Kindergarten | 47 | 62.7% |
Kindergarten | 11 | 14.7% |
1st Grade | 5 | 6.7% |
2nd Grade | 4 | 5.3% |
3rd Grade | 2 | 2.7% |
4th Grade | 3 | 4.0% |
5th Grade | 3 | 4.0% |
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