Tobin Afterschool Needham

  • Grades: KG-8
  • Student Enrollment: 63
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  • Address
  • 72 School St.
  • Needham, MA 02492
  • Phone
  • (781) 444-5444
  • Other Details
  • Principal or Admin: Stephanie Beaudet
  • Website:
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School Description

Breakfast of ChampionsHalf Day KFull Day K

Tobin AfterschoolClub 1458Summer at Tobin

Breakfast of Champions
Tobin’s Before School Program in Needham. Make the early train or get to work early so you can be home early! Tobin offers a home-like, comfortable and safe environment for your child before school. Transportation is offered to Eliot, Mitchell, Hillside and the Newman School. Open Monday through Friday at 7am.

Half Day Kindergarten
The Tobin School offers a private half day kindergarten program from 11:05am – 3:00pm, following the Needham Public Schools\' morning kindergarten. Transportation is provided from your child’s morning kindergarten program to Tobin.

Full Day Kindergarten

Are you concerned about all of the transitions in your Kindergartener’s day next year?
Are you looking for a rich academic and social experience for your Kindergartener to
prepare them for First Grade?

Tobin’s Full Day Kindergarten Program is offered 8:00am – 2:00pm with complimentary early drop off at 7:00am and a complimentary pickup until 3:00pm. Tobin Afterschool enrollment is available until 6:30pm.

Tobin Afterschool

At Tobin Afterschool, we provide a warm, enriching environment for your child after school, during school vacations, professional days, snow days and early release days. Tobin provides transportation from your child’s school to Tobin Afterschool. On early release days we provide a pizza lunch with milk and fruit. At Tobin we provide a variety of teacher-run activities for children including Music, Animal Science, Spanish, Mandarin, Italian, Zumba, Cooking, Theatre, Gardening, Track, Sports, Arts & Crafts, Homework Assistance and more!

We’ve also tried to lighten the rush to cram all your activities into the weekend. We offer Golf Lessons, Swimming Lessons, Kung Fu, Bowling and Ice Skating Lessons for an extra fee. Our Tobin Afterschool teachers always accompany the children during their lessons.

Club 1458
Grand Opening of Club 1458 in the Fall of 2011

A NEW program designed specifically for older school age children entering fourth through eighth grade.

On the drawing board...
- Mac laptops for blogging and homework
- American Academy of Pediatrics Babysitting Course
- Golf, Tennis & Ice Skating Lessons
- Stage for Theatre and Drama Workshops
- Rosetta Stone Language Lab including Spanish, Mandarin, Italian and French
- Community Service Projects
- Living Room Space for board games & cards with friends
- Foosball and Air Hockey Tables
- Quiet Area for Homework & Studying

Club 1458 will be open until 6:45pm.

Tuition is a blended rate. A blended rate includes all non-school days, all early release days, all snow days and all vacation days that your child is scheduled from your child’s first day of school through your child’s last day of school, including transportation from within Needham.

Summer at Tobin
Our unique \"choose your days, choose your weeks\" flexibility provides your child with the option to attend all week or only the days you want. Open daily 7:00am-6:30pm. Come join us for some serious summer fun!

Summer at Tobin provides a traditional summer day experience complete with sports, swimming, arts & crafts, and field trips – and we can\'t wait for summer to begin! We have a partnership with Hale Reservation, which offers the perfect backdrop for a summer of outdoor exploration and learning. Situated on 1,100 acres of unspoiled woodlands, winding streams, extensive hiking trails and scenic ponds, Hales \"backyard\" consists of two large playing fields, a private swimming beach, outdoor activity pavilions, an arts and crafts cabin and a lodge – all of which a child can enjoy 2 days per week.


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Faculty Details and Student Enrollment

Students and Faculty
  • Total Students Enrolled: 63
  • Total Full Time "Equivalent" Teachers: 3.0
  • Average Student-To-Teacher Ratio: 21.0
Source: MA Department of Education, Source: NCES 2009-2010
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