Education Link Bilingual Preschool
- Student Enrollment: 35
- Address
- 25042 Narbonne Ave.
- Lomita, CA 90717
- Phone
- (310) 325-8536
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School Description
Education Link is a school of limited enrollment, surrounded by trees and flowers. Nature is a part of our daily experience. Children are allowed to grow emotionally and expand their interests at their own rate in this happy, natural environment. We provide a home-like environment for the child’s comfort. Through this environment, We are able to attend to a child’s wonder, discoveries and needs.
Since 2002, Education Link has been a very successful home-based pre-school. After many requests from parents and much consideration, Mikie Stapleton, owner and director, realized that the community has a need for more bilingual education. In order to fulfill this need, she has decided to build a new, larger facility in the neighboring city of Lomita. Her new location, designed by her creative, enthusiastic staff, will offer three large classrooms, ample parking and a beautiful, ecology-minded playground. The new site is set to open in September, 2007 and will be a cheerful, warm environment for small children to grow, learn and play.
We are deeply concerned with each child’s emotional, physical, and intellectual development. We believe it is important for children to learn through play and interaction with adults and others rather than to study in a structured and teacher-centered learning environment.
Children develop independence, creativity, the ability to solve problems, and appropriate methods of handling emotions – all of which instill feelings of confidence and self-esteem. Education Link is a happy school and rich in fun and unique activities. Our days are filled with songs and laughs. We also share smiles and occasional tears with children. Working with children and helping them grow is an inspiring and gratifying endeavor. We help each individual child to grow at his/her own rate and achieve his/her goals.
We urge parents to join our school meetings, and we hope to enrich our program by incorporating your interests and talents. Through this process, we continue to grow as people – parents, teachers and students; all with a global point of view. Our school works best through the cooperation between the child, the parents and the teachers. With the child, the parents and the teachers working together, the child is able to thrive and excel at learning.
Studies have shown that crucial language skills are developed in the first 3 years of life and that the ability to become bilingual is best fostered by exposure in those early years. Our school provides exposure to different languages throughout the day, While we foster a bilingual environment, we do not mix languages together in a sentence. Each sentence spoken must be spoken entirely in one language. Among the many benefits of learning more than one language is the respect children learn for other people and cultures, as well as themselves. We are able to easily understand the children, which in turn, allows the children to feel comfortable in their learning environment.
We have many special events throughout the school year. Our focus is not only on Japanese and American traditions, but other cultures as well.
Our daily schedule is very flexible so that we are able to incorporate the interests of the children. We encourage children to be observant and to use independent problem-solving.
We strongly support mixed age activities as this fosters a mutual respect between the younger and older children.
We use both Japanese and English during all activities, but always take into consideration each child’s language development needs.
Education Link uses positive reinforcement as often as possible. We also offer the children different choices for problem-solving.
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Faculty Details and Student Enrollment
- Total Students Enrolled: 35
- Total Full Time "Equivalent" Teachers: 6.0
- Average Student-To-Teacher Ratio: 5.8
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