Kids R Kids of Spring on Kuykendahl
- Student Enrollment: 150
- Address
- 20621 Kuykendahl Road
- Spring, TX 77379
- Phone
- (832) 717-0808
- Other Details
- Principal or Admin: Cathy & Lawrence Paulson
- Fax: (832) 717-4824
- Website:
School Description
**An AdvancED Accredited (SACS) School**
We are dedicated to serving our families and truly making a difference in their lives. We feel certain that our sincere love for children and strong belief that they should have a solid educational and emotional foundation has set us apart from other schools in our area.
At Kids `R` Kids of Spring on Kuykendahl, we share a common desire with parents, which is to provide the absolute best for the children. Our high quality teachers, creative and fun educational programs and, of course, our state-of-the art facility make us stand high above our competitors. You`ll find when you visit our center, that you are welcomed with a warm smile. Our owners and directors take an interest in each child and call them by their names each day. The owners are active at the school and very passionate about creating lasting relationships with every family to meet their individual needs as a customer and as a Kids ‘R’ Kids of Spring family member.
Upon your arrival to our classrooms, you will find energetic teachers who also share our passion for nurturing our children and providing quality care. The classrooms are brimming with music, art, language, literacy components, science and discovery, and many engaging activities to stimulate our students and offer challenges for growth.
Our school offers many special activities for students each month as well as for parents. We share information with parents to help bridge the gap from school to home. We hope you`ll take advantage of these experiences to help your child at home as you prepare him for his educational career. We also offer Parents Night Out once a month to give parents an ideal opportunity to enjoy a night out with the assurance that their kids are safe and happy.
We are dedicated to making our school a great success. Our door is always open for parents to come and discuss their needs, ask questions, give suggestions and comments. We encourage you to come take a tour and meet the staff. We are confident that you will agree with us that this is the best environment for your child.
Thank you, and we hope to meet you soon!
Lawrence and Cathy Paulson
School Ratings and Reviews
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Faculty Details and Student Enrollment
- Total Students Enrolled: 150
- Total Full Time "Equivalent" Teachers: 15.0
- Average Student-To-Teacher Ratio: 10.0
Number | Percent | |
Pre-Kindergarten | 150 | 100.0% |
School Community Forum
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- Admissions and Registration Questions (e.g. Dress Code and Discipline Policy)
- School Calendar and Upcoming Events (e.g. Graduation)
- After School Programs, Extracurricular Activities, and Athletics (e.g. Football)
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