The Broach School-Tampa Campus
- Grades: KG-12
- Student Enrollment: 55
- Address
- 10502 N Dale Mabry Ave.
- Tampa, FL 33618
- Phone
- (813) 963-0901
- Other Details
- Principal or Admin: Ms. Sonia Anderson, Associate Director
- Fax: (813) 963-0879
- Website:
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School Description
Now celebrating our 40th year in the K-12 Private School business!
The Broach School-Tampa Campus, is located in the Carrollwood area of North Tampa. The Broach School is a K-12 Private, Special Educational School for Children with Disabilities and Low Income families. We are approved for the McKay and Step Up For Students (SUFS) Scholarships. If your child is enrolled in the Public School with an IEP or if you are eligible for the Free and Reduced Lunch Program in the Public Schools, you may qualify for FREE or REDUCED Tuition!
The Broach School is a Character Based School that emphasizes 10 Character Traits, (1) one per month. We recognize a student of the month that most exemplifies the Character Trait of the month by awarding them a Certificate and engraving their name on our Character Trait Plaque that is displayed in our reception area. We believe in motivating our students to succeed through the reinforcement of positive behavior.
Our school hours are from 8:30 AM - 3:00 PM, Monday - Friday. We follow Hillsborough County's Public School Holidays for Christmas and Spring Break.
Our Academic Program consists of the following:
- NO Daily Homework
- NO Mid Terms or Final Exams
- NO FCAT Testing
- The Coalition of McKay Scholarship Schools
- Learning Disabilities of America (LDA)
- Autism Speaks
School Ratings and Reviews
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Faculty Details and Student Enrollment
- Total Students Enrolled: 55
- Total Full Time "Equivalent" Teachers: 5.0
- Average Student-To-Teacher Ratio: 11.0

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