Trinity Preparatory Academy
- Grades: KG-4
- Student Enrollment: 80
- Address
- 3200 Century Park Blvd.
- Austin, TX 78727
- Phone
- (512) 470-4933
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School Description
Trinity Preparatory Academy is a classical, non-denominational Christian, University-Model school that will open its doors this fall to Grades K-4, with plans to expand to K-12. Led by Dr. Elizabeth Swanson, a Research Assistant Professor at The University of Texas at Austin, this school will prepare students for college using rigorous classical curriculum and methodologies, all taught from a Christian worldview.
Trinity Prep desires to create life-long learners by embracing the innate wonder and delight of children as they explore the world around them. Our goal is to help children discern and fulfill their God-given purpose so that they may glorify God n the world.
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Faculty Details and Student Enrollment
- Total Students Enrolled: 80
- Total Full Time "Equivalent" Teachers: 5.0
- Average Student-To-Teacher Ratio: 16.0
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