Redd School
- Grades: PK-8
- Student Enrollment: 200
- Address
- 4820 Strack Rd
- Houston, TX 77069
- Phone
- (281) 440-1106
- Other Details
- Principal or Admin: Ms.ellen Leblanc
- Fax: (281) 440-3225
- Website:
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School Description
Since it was established in 1969, the Redd School has proudly created a challenging, interdisciplinary curriculum that is complemented by an educational environment. Our school nurtures creativity, cultivates a love of learning and places value on academic excellence, goodness, spirit and intellect. In essence, we aim at inspiring deep inquiry and true passion in lifelong learning.
We carefully select our instructors to ensure that our students receive the highest quality instruction and proper attention. Our instructors are trained to keep students fully engaged in the classroom, during their extracurricular activities, in the natural areas on our campus, in community service and in the ultimate pursuit of global citizenry. We aim at instilling in each of our students a profound respect for individuals by emphasizing equality, simplicity, integrity and service to others.
We have classes starting from Infants to 8th Grade
School Ratings and Reviews
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Faculty Details and Student Enrollment
- Total Students Enrolled: 200
- Total Full Time "Equivalent" Teachers: 30.0
- Average Student-To-Teacher Ratio: 6.7
School Community Forum
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