Stanley British Primary School
- Grades: KG-8
- Student Enrollment: 440
- Address
- 350 Quebec Ct
- Denver, CO 80230
- Phone
- (303) 360-0803
- Other Details
- Principal or Admin: Tim Barrier
- Website:
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School Description
Stanley British Primary School is a unique independent school, serving children from kindergarten through the 8th grade. We are a private institution with a public purpose focused on growing chidlren who love to learn and who are prepared to make a psoitive difference in the world. At Stanley, your child's education goes well beyond academics-our teachers and our instruction principles give your child the opportunity to reach their full potential academically, creatively, socially, emotionally and physically.
School Ratings and Reviews
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Faculty Details and Student Enrollment
- Total Students Enrolled: 440
- Total Full Time "Equivalent" Teachers: 62.0Full-Time Teachers: 30Part-Time Teachers: 8
- Average Student-To-Teacher Ratio: 7.1
- Percent Minority Students: 28.9%
- Males: 190 (43.2%)
- Females: 195 (44.3%)
Number | Percent | |
American Indian | 8 | 1.8% |
Black | 81 | 18.4% |
Asian | 15 | 3.4% |
Hispanic | 23 | 5.2% |
White | 258 | 58.6% |
Number | Percent | |
Kindergarten | 45 | 10.2% |
1st Grade | 46 | 10.5% |
2nd Grade | 49 | 11.1% |
3rd Grade | 36 | 8.2% |
4th Grade | 53 | 12.0% |
5th Grade | 52 | 11.8% |
6th Grade | 49 | 11.1% |
7th Grade | 45 | 10.2% |
8th Grade | 52 | 11.8% |
School Community Forum
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