Glades Christian Academy
- Grades: PK-6
- Student Enrollment: 118
- Address
- 400 Lakeview Dr
- Coral Springs, FL 33071
- Phone
- (954) 755-6405
- Other Details
- Website:
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School Description
Glades Christian Academy offers a premier education emphasizing spiritual, academic, physical, and social training that will prepare students to enjoy success in life and help them to commit fully to the adventure of following Christ.
A ministry of the Church by the Glades, Glades Christian Academy was founded in 1991 and is a member of the Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI). We serve families with children ranging from 3-years old through 5th grade. Our facility is located at the intersection of Atlantic Boulevard and the Sawgrass Expressway.
School Ratings and Reviews
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Faculty Details and Student Enrollment
- Total Students Enrolled: 118
- Total Full Time "Equivalent" Teachers: 12.6Full-Time Teachers: 9Part-Time Teachers: 5
- Average Student-To-Teacher Ratio: 7.0
- Percent Minority Students: 32.2%
- Males: 50 (42.4%)
- Females: 68 (57.6%)

Number | Percent | |
American Indian | - | - |
Black | 17 | 14.4% |
Asian | 4 | 3.4% |
Hispanic | 17 | 14.4% |
White | 50 | 42.4% |

Number | Percent | |
Pre-Kindergarten | 30 | 25.4% |
Kindergarten | 15 | 12.7% |
1st Grade | 20 | 16.9% |
2nd Grade | 19 | 16.1% |
3rd Grade | 8 | 6.8% |
4th Grade | 9 | 7.6% |
5th Grade | 7 | 5.9% |
6th Grade | 10 | 8.5% |
School Community Forum

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- School Calendar and Upcoming Events (e.g. Graduation)
- After School Programs, Extracurricular Activities, and Athletics (e.g. Football)
- News and Announcements (e.g. Yearbook and Class Supply List Details)
- Graduate and Alumni Events (e.g. Organizing Class Reunions)

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