Cross of Hope Elementary School
- Grades: KG-5
- Student Enrollment: 85
- Address
- 6104 Taylor Ranch Rd Nw
- Albuquerque, NM 87120
- Phone
- (505) 897-1832
- Other Details
- Principal or Admin: Sharon Halstead
- Fax: (505) 897-9455
- Website:
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School Description
Cross of Hope Elementary excels at Christ-centered education that helps children develop their intellectual, physical, emotional, social and spiritual gifts to the glory of God and service to others. Cross of Hope Elementary believes that children learn best through experience. Students learn through hands-on, cooperative experiences in which they are able to construct their own understanding and knowledge while teachers act as facilitators for that learning. We use a balanced approach to teaching literacy and a problem-solving and manipulative-based mathematics program. Instruction is driven by the students\' needs as seen in ongoing, authentic assessment practices. Cross of Hope employs only credentialed/licensed elementary teachers and curriculum meets or exceeds all state and national academic standards.
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Faculty Details and Student Enrollment
- Total Students Enrolled: 85
- Total Full Time "Equivalent" Teachers: 8.0Full-Time Teachers: 8Part-Time Teachers: 4
- Average Student-To-Teacher Ratio: 10.6
- Percent Minority Students: 34.1%
- Males: 29 (34.1%)
- Females: 25 (29.4%)
Number | Percent | |
American Indian | 2 | 2.4% |
Black | 1 | 1.2% |
Asian | 4 | 4.7% |
Hispanic | 28 | 32.9% |
White | 50 | 58.8% |
Number | Percent | |
Kindergarten | 18 | 21.2% |
1st Grade | 18 | 21.2% |
2nd Grade | 14 | 16.5% |
3rd Grade | 10 | 11.8% |
4th Grade | 10 | 11.8% |
5th Grade | 15 | 17.6% |
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