Seacrest Country Day School
- Grades: PK-12
- Student Enrollment: 571
- Address
- 7100 Davis Blvd
- Naples, FL 34104
- Phone
- (239) 793-1986
- Other Details
- Principal or Admin: Lynne Powell
- Website:
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School Description
Seacrest Country Day School is founded on the premise that within every human being there is a potential for learning that is virtually unlimited. Students are made aware that they can free themselves from self-imposed limitations and can tap their own resources. Thus, Seacrest School acclaims an educational system where "Learning to be everything you can be" in a rapidly changing world is a central theme.
Teachers and students maintain high expectations for intellectual achievement. Children are taught to strive for a healthy balance of good health, hard work, and satisfying recreation. In addition to academic subjects, technology, and basic skills, Seacrest School emphasizes the arts, physical education, social awareness, peaceful means of relating to others, respect for the environment, and culturally accepted values. The school is also committed to developing responsibility, not only for one's own actions and behavior, but also for controlling one's emotions and feelings.
Curriculum, methods, techniques, and tools for better learning are selected and developed by a highly qualified and dedicated staff. Multisensory approaches to understanding academic subjects are enhanced by carefully utilizing each child's learning style and natural curiosity. Each one learns to read and write, think rationally, and lay the foundations for sound mathematical concepts. They all learn to get along with friends, acquaintances, family, and the world around them so they can advance in social science and science.
The success of Seacrest School depends on its students achieving an excellent academic foundation and responsible independence in the learning process. The school's supportive environment, which is both dynamic and calm, enables the students to maintain a steadily maturing progression toward self-efficacy and self-confidence. Their creativity is nurtured, their good humor nourished. They are readied for responsible adulthood. They learn, and they enjoy it.
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Faculty Details and Student Enrollment
- Total Students Enrolled: 571
- Total Full Time "Equivalent" Teachers: 53.9Full-Time Teachers: 52Part-Time Teachers: 3
- Average Student-To-Teacher Ratio: 10.0
- Percent Minority Students: 12.3%
- Males: 259 (45.4%)
- Females: 312 (54.6%)

Number | Percent | |
American Indian | 2 | 0.4% |
Black | 22 | 3.9% |
Asian | 22 | 3.9% |
Hispanic | 24 | 4.2% |
White | 468 | 82.0% |

Number | Percent | |
Pre-Kindergarten | 33 | 5.8% |
Kindergarten | 44 | 7.7% |
1st Grade | 41 | 7.2% |
2nd Grade | 50 | 8.8% |
3rd Grade | 51 | 8.9% |
4th Grade | 48 | 8.4% |
5th Grade | 42 | 7.4% |
6th Grade | 43 | 7.5% |
7th Grade | 50 | 8.8% |
8th Grade | 55 | 9.6% |
9th Grade | 38 | 6.7% |
10th Grade | 40 | 7.0% |
11th Grade | 13 | 2.3% |
12th Grade | 23 | 4.0% |
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