Cole Valley Christian Schools
- Grades: 7-12
- Student Enrollment: 389
- Address
- 200 E Carlton Ave
- Meridian, ID 83642
- Phone
- (208) 898-9003
- Other Details
- Website:
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School Description
Cole Valley Christian Schools is a Preschool through 12th grade private Christian school with nearly 700 students enrolled on two campuses. The elementary campus housing Preschool through 6th grades is located at 8775 Ustick Road in Boise. Approximately eight miles away, the secondary campus houses grades 7-12 at 200 E. Carlton Avenue in Meridian.
Cole Valley Christian's mission is to provide a Christ-centered education while shepherding students as they are challenged to achieve their fullest potential spiritually, academically, socially, physically, and relationally. Founded in 1972, the school is fully accredited by the Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI), the Northwest Association of Accredited Schools (NAAS), and the State of Idaho.
School Ratings and Reviews
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Faculty Details and Student Enrollment
- Total Students Enrolled: 389
- Total Full Time "Equivalent" Teachers: 32.0Full-Time Teachers: 32
- Average Student-To-Teacher Ratio: 12.2
- Percent Minority Students: 1.3%
- Males: 200 (51.4%)
- Females: 189 (48.6%)
![Cole Valley Christian Schools Student Race Distribution](
Number | Percent | |
American Indian | - | - |
Black | 2 | 0.5% |
Asian | 3 | 0.8% |
Hispanic | - | - |
White | 384 | 98.7% |
![Number of Students Per Grade For Cole Valley Christian Schools](
Number | Percent | |
7th Grade | 72 | 18.5% |
8th Grade | 58 | 14.9% |
9th Grade | 70 | 18.0% |
10th Grade | 67 | 17.2% |
11th Grade | 54 | 13.9% |
12th Grade | 68 | 17.5% |
School Community Forum
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- School Calendar and Upcoming Events (e.g. Graduation)
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