Sacred Heart Schools
- Grades: KG-8
- Student Enrollment: 701
- Address
- 6250 N Sheridan Rd
- Chicago, IL 60660
- Phone
- (773) 681-8418
- Other Details
- Principal or Admin: Nat Wilburn
- Fax: (773) 262-6178
- Website:
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School Description
The Academy of the Sacred Heart for Girls, founded in 1876, and Hardey Preparatory for Boys, founded in 1935, serve children in Kindergarten through eighth grade.
Sacred Heart is a member of the National Association of Independent Schools. The Schools' low student/teacher ratio - 9:1 - reflects its commitment to providing a learning environment that is challenging and supportive to a variety of learners. The Schools' belief in the effectiveness of single sex classrooms - which children begin to experience in first grade - further illustrates its focus on each child as an individual.
The Schools are Roman Catholic, with a diverse student body. Families originate from 35 different countries and represent every major religion. About 20% of students enroll with the help of scholarships and financial aid. While there are families from all kinds of backgrounds, they come together as one caring community.
The Schools' educational mission is deeply rooted in the history and traditions of the Society of the Sacred Heart and the work of St. Madeleine Sophie Barat, who first articulated her educational vision in 1800. It was her belief, as it is the Schools’, that children who first learn they are loved and valued are in the best position to acquire knowledge and then learn to use that knowledge not only for their own benefit, but for the benefit of all humanity.
In this common mission, Sacred Heart is part of a Network of Sacred Heart educational institutions around the world, including 22 schools here in the United States.
School Ratings and Reviews
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Faculty Details and Student Enrollment
- Total Students Enrolled: 701
- Total Full Time "Equivalent" Teachers: 81.0Full-Time Teachers: 59Part-Time Teachers: 2
- Average Student-To-Teacher Ratio: 8.7
- Percent Minority Students: 11.8%
- Males: 300 (42.8%)
- Females: 351 (50.1%)

Number | Percent | |
Kindergarten | 80 | 11.4% |
1st Grade | 80 | 11.4% |
2nd Grade | 80 | 11.4% |
3rd Grade | 80 | 11.4% |
4th Grade | 72 | 10.3% |
5th Grade | 79 | 11.3% |
6th Grade | 77 | 11.0% |
7th Grade | 80 | 11.4% |
8th Grade | 73 | 10.4% |
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