Kapaa Middle School

4867 Olohena Rd, Kapaa, HI 96746 | (808) 821-4460
  • Grades: 6-8
  • Student Enrollment: 652
Not Available

1 out of 5 | 2 Reviews
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School Description

School Summary and Highlights
  • Enrolls 652 middle school students from grades 6-8
School Operational Details
  • Title I Eligible
    All students of this school are eligible for participation in authorized programs.
School District Details

Faculty Details and Student Enrollment

Students and Faculty
  • Total Students Enrolled: 652
  • Total Full Time "Equivalent" Teachers: 34.5
  • Average Student-To-Teacher Ratio: 18.9
Students Gender Breakdown
  • Males: 330 (50.6%)
  • Females: 322 (49.4%)
Free Lunch Student Eligibility Breakdown
  • Eligible for Reduced Lunch: 81 (12.4%)
  • Eligible for Free Lunch: 208 (31.9%)
  • Eligible for Either Reduced or Free Lunch: 289 (44.3%)
Student Enrollment Distribution by Race / Ethnicity
Kapaa Middle School Student Race Distribution
  Number Percent
American Indian20.3%
Number of Students Per Grade
Number of Students Per Grade For Kapaa Middle School
  Number Percent
6th Grade18227.9%
7th Grade23836.5%
8th Grade23235.6%
Source: HI Department of Education, Source: NCES 2009-2010

School Ratings and Reviews

Overall Rating: 1

1 out of 5 | 2 Reviews
The Overall Rating is the school's average rating from parents, students, school faculty and staff. The highest rating is five apples and the lowest is one apple.

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  • Principal leadership and staff
  • Overall ranking and student achievement
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  • Classroom, building and playground safety
  • School homework load appropriateness
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2 reviews for Kapaa Middle School

  • Reviewed by Parent/Guardian on September 05, 2008
  • Rating: 1 (1 / 5) Flag as inappropriate
  • I am a parent whose child attended Porter Childcare for over a year i was on a financial program and when the program ran out my child was kicked out in a very rude way i was not asked what my plans were, Which i was willing to pay regular cost, I was not offered another program; instead i received a call at work with a lady from the child care screaming in my air about how she hate it when parents try to sneak their children in her school when their program was up and how she was kicking my child out of class, my 4 year old, how he would be in the lobby waiting for me. I was at work and could not really get into it with the lady because she was being so rude and i would never act like that at work, so i just had to hang up and send my daughter to go and pick up my son, when my daughter got their my son had been removed out of his class and placed insome one else class now i cannot imagine sending my child or yours to such a unloving place. It is very deceiving when you go in they have gospel music on and the director speaks real kind like the school is full with love but if that was so a child would never feel the raft of the staff and my child at age 4 sure new that something was wrong.
  • Reviewed by Parent/Guardian on September 05, 2008
  • Rating: 1 (1 / 5) Flag as inappropriate
  • I am a parent whose child attended Porter Childcare for over a year i was on a financial program and when the program ran out my child was kicked out in a very rude way i was not asked what my plans were, Which i was willing to pay regular cost, I was not offered another program; instead i received a call at work with a lady from the child care screaming in my air about how she hate it when parents try to sneak their children in her school when their program was up and how she was kicking my child out of class, my 4 year old, how he would be in the lobby waiting for me. I was at work and could not really get into it with the lady because she was being so rude and i would never act like that at work, so i just had to hang up and send my daughter to go and pick up my son, when my daughter got their my son had been removed out of his class and placed in some one else class now i cannot imagine sending my child or yours to such a unloving place. It is very deceiving when you go in they have gospel music on and the director speaks real kind like the school is full with love but if that was so a child would never feel the raft of the staff and my child at age 4 sure new that something was wrong.

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