Lincoln Elementary School

1021 Ridgewood Ln, Palatine, IL 60067 | (847) 963-5700
  • Grades: KG-6
  • Student Enrollment: 763
Not Available

2 out of 5 | 5 Reviews
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School Description

School Summary and Highlights
Additional Contact Information
  • Principal or Admin: Administrator
School Operational Details
  • Title I Eligible
School District Details

Faculty Details and Student Enrollment

Students and Faculty
  • Total Students Enrolled: 763
  • Total Full Time "Equivalent" Teachers: 40.0
  • Average Student-To-Teacher Ratio: 19.1
Students Gender Breakdown
  • Males: 367 (48.1%)
  • Females: 373 (48.9%)
Free Lunch Student Eligibility Breakdown
  • Eligible for Reduced Lunch: 43 (5.6%)
  • Eligible for Free Lunch: 269 (35.3%)
  • Eligible for Either Reduced or Free Lunch: 312 (40.9%)
Student Enrollment Distribution by Race / Ethnicity
Lincoln Elementary School Student Race Distribution
  Number Percent
American Indian70.9%
Number of Students Per Grade
Number of Students Per Grade For Lincoln Elementary School
  Number Percent
1st Grade10613.9%
2nd Grade12316.1%
3rd Grade10413.6%
4th Grade11414.9%
5th Grade12015.7%
6th Grade11414.9%
Attendance, Graduation, and Dropout Rates (2010)
Attendance Rate
Source: IL Department of Education, Source: NCES 2009-2010

School Ratings and Reviews

Overall Rating: 2

2 out of 5 | 5 Reviews
The Overall Rating is the school's average rating from parents, students, school faculty and staff. The highest rating is five apples and the lowest is one apple.

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5 reviews for Lincoln Elementary School

  • Reviewed by Parent or Guardian on June 21, 2011
  • Rating: 1 (1 / 5) Flag as inappropriate
  • This school failed us miserably. All focus is on the bottom end making sure low performers meet the ridiculously low Illinois standards. Efforts to address with teachers and administration went nowhere. Never any room to accommodate gifted program in this school, or anywhere on this side of town. Seems like Lincoln is positioning itself as the school that focuses on special ed and/or low performers. If you child is on the upper end, that's good enough for them. (...) fails to address repetitive behavioral incidents. Seem intent on intimidating the student reporting the incident as this is easier than addressing issue with the instigator. Would never recommend this school.
  • Reviewed by Former Student on November 04, 2010
  • Rating: 1 (1 / 5) Flag as inappropriate
  • my brother went to that school he never got good grades but that was because the teachers were lazy too bad for my cousins going there....out there there are better schools
  • Reviewed by Former Student on November 04, 2010
  • Rating: 1 (1 / 5) Flag as inappropriate
  • i used to be a student and they should check up on some of the kids i did not see this school as a second home...
  • Reviewed by Parent/Guardian on August 12, 2010
  • Rating: 1 (1 / 5) Flag as inappropriate
  • This school gets and F from me. The whole school needs to take a cultural sensitivity class/course. This should be mandatory. They are definitely prejudice, yes I am a woman of color. I have been disrespected on several occasions, one time to count was the enrolling of my child. When I came into the office, the woman at the front desk was on the phone, on a personal gossip call. I stood there for 20 minutes, looking at the clock while she gossiped about someone. Then another parent walked in, she instantly got off the phone and proceeded to take care of the parent that has just walked in. I was already livid for having to wait all that time in the first place, it was just plain rude. Then to add insult to injury, she took someone else ahead of me, that had just walked in, as if I wasn't standing there in her face. While she was taking care of that woman, it took so long I sat down. By this time, I'm there 1 hr with no help. So then other parents started coming in, and she saw me sitting there, looked me right in my face, and took attempted to take care of the other parents that had just walked in. I'd had enough, I don't like to jump to the conclusion of racism, but to me at that time, became blatant. I stood up and told her I had been there, and gave her a look. She finally threw some papers at me to fill out and rushed me out. I finished filling the papers out, and had to wait another 20 min to give them to her, finally the principal asked what I needed and the rest is history. The next issue I had with them was, the teacher sending me son home with a halloween costume. She figured because I didn't send him to school with one, that obviously to her I couldn't afford one. I again was livid, and insulted. Would she have done that if I was of another race? I had to explain to her that my household is not like the typical, stereotypical black household. We are fully functioning, I am married, my husband works, I stay at home with the kids. I'm not a single mother. And even if was I have friends that are black single, divorced, living in 5 million dollar homes with six figure jobs. So because I'm black, she assumed I couldn't afford to buy him a costume. She sent her son's costume home with my son, and told my son to bring it back on Monday.(keep in mind halloween last year was on Saturday) I asked my son why she gave it to him, he said he didn't know, I wrote her a letter, and explained to her how I felt about the ordeal. She called, and apologized and said she ment not harm. She said he was upset about not having a costume and she decided to let him use her son's for the kids to take pictures in. Personally I don't care how he felt, we don't celebrate halloween. I have friends that are Jehovah witnesses and I thought about them, and it made me even angrier. Bottom line is that she should have called, you don't give a person's child anything without asking the parent first. But I was not given that option, it was decided for me. On top of all that my son learned about dinosaurs most of the year. It was like I sent him to daycare. He received 3 homework worksheets for the week. That is pre-school work, he was in 2nd grade. Now, there were 5 different classes. I don't know if there were difference in the classrooms, but it seemed that way to me. I feel if this is and was the case, a child should be tested before you decide to just throw them in a class. My son is highly intelligent and always has been since he was born, so I have had to try to keep him stimulated in his learning. Another incident was when she decided to tell me I needed to talk to my son about getting into it with another classmate. I asked her who this classmate was. She told me it didn't matter, just to talk to him. Here I go once again feeling disrespected, like I'm a child that doesn't have the right to ask questions. I asked her how was I supposed to talk to him, when I don't know what or who to talk to him about. She shunned me off and said you just need to talk to him before things get out of hand. So and squared her in the eye and asked her if this child's name was *****. You would have thought she'd seen a ghost. She was surprised my son told me about this child, who had been bossing him around, and everyone else, stealing out of other kids bags and saying it was her's. This child had a record of being unruly, but the other children hardly ever told on this child. So at any rate I asked her if she'd talked to this child's parent and she shunned me off again. This school is focused on the wrong things, they are backwards. They teach the kids about trivial BS, and things of no real importance. And only if these parents knew that it's schools that are majority black and those kids are learning more than these kids are. I have a friend (white) that works for the district 15 schools and she told me to file a sanction. I told her if it kept escalating I would. I hate that things really do come down to black and white, the haves and the have not's. But unfortunately this is the world we live in. This type of behavior goes on all around the world, not just here, not just in Palatine. But I will not be subjected to this type of treatment if my son isn't at least getting an excellent education, hell it should be exceptional. This post was for people of color, others won't have to worry you will probably find this school to be very inviting, because otherwise they are. This a short diary of a mad black parent.
  • Reviewed by Student on October 11, 2007
  • Rating: 5 (5 / 5) Flag as inappropriate
  • With great teachers and nice kids lincoln gets a A+. also with a clean atmosphere you can't go wrong.

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