Anahuacalmecac University Preparatory High School
4736 Huntington Dr South, Los Angeles, CA 90032 | (323) 225-4549
- Grades: 9-12
- Student Enrollment: 36
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School Description
School Summary and Highlights
- Enrolls 36 high school students from grades 9-12
Additional Contact Information
- Mailing Address: 4736 Huntington Dr. South, Los Angeles, CA 90032
School Operational Details
- Title I Eligible
- Charter School
School District Details
- Los Angeles Unified School District
- Per-Pupil Spending: $11,357
- Graduation Rate: 48.8%
- Dropout Rate: 6.8%
- Students Per Teacher: 21.3
- Enrolled Students: 667,870
Faculty Details and Student Enrollment
Students and Faculty
- Total Students Enrolled: 36
- Total Full Time "Equivalent" Teachers: 6.0
- Average Student-To-Teacher Ratio: 6.0
Students Gender Breakdown
- Males: 20 (55.6%)
- Females: 16 (44.4%)
Student Enrollment Distribution by Race / Ethnicity
Number | Percent | |
American Indian | - | - |
Black | - | - |
Asian | - | - |
Hispanic | 35 | 97.2% |
White | - | - |
Number of Students Per Grade
Number | Percent | |
9th Grade | 19 | 52.8% |
10th Grade | 17 | 47.2% |
Source: CA Department of Education, Source: NCES 2009-2010
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