Adlai Stevenson Middle School

38501 Palmer Rd, Westland, MI 48186 | (734) 419-2350
  • Grades: 6-8
  • Student Enrollment: 839
Not Available

3.5 out of 5 | 4 Reviews
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School Description

School Summary and Highlights
Additional Contact Information
  • Mailing Address: 38501 Palmer Road, Westland, MI 48186
  • Principal or Admin: Mr. Scott Burek
  • Website:
School Operational Details
  • Title I Eligible
School District Details

Faculty Details and Student Enrollment

Students and Faculty
  • Total Students Enrolled: 839
  • Total Full Time "Equivalent" Teachers: 42.8
  • Average Student-To-Teacher Ratio: 19.6
Students Gender Breakdown
  • Males: 436 (52.0%)
  • Females: 403 (48.0%)
Free Lunch Student Eligibility Breakdown
  • Eligible for Reduced Lunch: 60 (7.2%)
  • Eligible for Free Lunch: 285 (34.0%)
  • Eligible for Either Reduced or Free Lunch: 345 (41.1%)
Student Enrollment Distribution by Race / Ethnicity
Adlai Stevenson Middle School Student Race Distribution
  Number Percent
American Indian10.1%
Number of Students Per Grade
Number of Students Per Grade For Adlai Stevenson Middle School
  Number Percent
6th Grade27132.3%
7th Grade30436.2%
8th Grade26431.5%
Source: MI Department of Education, Source: NCES 2009-2010

School Ratings and Reviews

Overall Rating: 3.5

3.5 out of 5 | 4 Reviews
The Overall Rating is the school's average rating from parents, students, school faculty and staff. The highest rating is five apples and the lowest is one apple.

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4 reviews for Adlai Stevenson Middle School

  • Reviewed by Student on September 10, 2010
  • Rating: 5 (5 / 5) Flag as inappropriate
  • I will admit, I was very hesitant with my transition from Marshall to Stevenson, but I love it. I am an 8th grader and I don't like change, but this one was so great. All of my teachers have welcomed us with open arms. I love how they listen and communicate with us. Mr.Burek is doing a great job and is really cool. Some other cool teachers would be Mrs.Salah or Mrs.Kubus. My favorite teacher is Mr.Harris. He does his best and seems very hard working. You will love Stevenson. I do and it is only the fourth day. Remember to be your best at SMS. :) -Asha
  • Reviewed by Former Student on July 05, 2009
  • Rating: 1 (1 / 5) Flag as inappropriate
  • A lot of staff members were unfair. When a problem arouse they didn't handle it properly in my opinion. I would not sent my child here. Not to mention the area that the school is in isn't the best. It just gets worst and worst. Not like when I was a kid.
  • Reviewed by on September 05, 2006
  • Rating: 3 (3 / 5) Flag as inappropriate
  • I am happy enough to not pull my daughter out. I am happy with her individual 6th grade teachers. But I am disgusted with the principals. They do not solicit parent input, and disregard it when offered. They lack any interest in creating a simple web-based system to communicate directly with our children, instead relying on 20th century technology: handing slips of paper to students, for them to hand to their parent. Why not a website with each day's grades and homework assignments posted, with parents using a password to know TODAY this vital information? Why not an email subscription service to receive reminders about events, or notices sent DIRECTLY to parents? Why can we parents not access on-line a search engine of the Accellerated Reader book list THAT WE PAID FOR? This would help us select books for our kids at home that qualified for this activity, and enable us to help the school select books. instead, this activity occcurs with zero parental involvement. This is August 2006, just before my daughter enters 7th grade. Apparently we missed a "registration" day, an activity that does not exist on Stevenson's website. I suppose that back in May some teacher handed some slip of paper into my kid with this info. Imagine if this was posted on the website, the announcement involved an email to me, and I could subscribe for an email reminder? Other schools already have these capacities, and Stevenson will one day, too. But not from the backwards efforts of its current administration.

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