William T. Rogers Middle School

97 Old Dock Rd, Kings Park, NY 11754 | (631) 269-3369
  • Grades: 6-8
  • Student Enrollment: 973
Not Available

3.5 out of 5 | 3 Reviews
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School Description

School Summary and Highlights
Additional Contact Information
  • Principal or Admin: John Craig
School Operational Details
  • Title I Eligible
School District Details

Faculty Details and Student Enrollment

Students and Faculty
  • Total Students Enrolled: 973
  • Total Full Time "Equivalent" Teachers: 78.3
  • Average Student-To-Teacher Ratio: 12.4
Students Gender Breakdown
  • Males: 498 (51.2%)
  • Females: 475 (48.8%)
Free Lunch Student Eligibility Breakdown
  • Eligible for Reduced Lunch: 25 (2.6%)
  • Eligible for Free Lunch: 31 (3.2%)
  • Eligible for Either Reduced or Free Lunch: 56 (5.8%)
Student Enrollment Distribution by Race / Ethnicity
William T. Rogers Middle School Student Race Distribution
  Number Percent
American Indian10.1%
Number of Students Per Grade
Number of Students Per Grade For William T. Rogers Middle School
  Number Percent
6th Grade30231.0%
7th Grade31832.7%
8th Grade35036.0%
Public Assistance (2010)
Estimated Percent of Students From Households That Receive Public Assistance: 1-10%
Attendance & Suspensions (2009)
Attendance Rate
Percent of Students Suspended
Teacher Experience & Educational Background (2010)
Percent of Teachers with Less Than 3 Years of Experience
Percent of Teachers with Master's or Ph.D.
Teacher Turnover Rates (2010)
Turnover Rate For All Teachers
Turnover Rate For Teachers with Less Than 5 Years of Experience
Source: NY Department of Education, Source: NCES 2009-2010

School Ratings and Reviews

Overall Rating: 3.5

3.5 out of 5 | 3 Reviews
The Overall Rating is the school's average rating from parents, students, school faculty and staff. The highest rating is five apples and the lowest is one apple.

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  • Principal leadership and staff
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  • Classroom, building and playground safety
  • School homework load appropriateness
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3 reviews for William T. Rogers Middle School

  • Reviewed by Parent or Guardian on March 08, 2011
  • Rating: 5 (5 / 5) Flag as inappropriate
  • Tis school is fantastic- Reading the earlier two reviews it looks to me like they want the teachers and staff to just give them high grades for showing up- The are strict? It's called discipline and its to get you ready for the real world someday If you work hard and take advantage of all this school has to offer you will go very far- Administative staff returns phone call promptly and professionally- teacher involvement is excellent but students still need to apply themselves- Zero tolerance for bullies and that's how it should be- Keep up the great work WTR.
  • Reviewed by Parent/Guardian on November 24, 2009
  • Rating: 3 (3 / 5) Flag as inappropriate
  • William T. Rogers' slogan is; "A Tradition of Excellence". It is clearly written on the center of the school agenda, and without any furthur explaination, I think we can all agree that this middle school has high expections for their students.

    Let's just continue where the student under me has left off, shall we? This school is..."Decent", okay, I suppose that works. But another word to describe it-a BETTER word to describe it-would be "Unqualifyed". This school, and the staffs that keep it running, claim that they have a very clean, very organized system of keeping our children safe and well organized.

    Well, ladies and gentlemen, I am here to state that claim as FALSE.

    It is an absolutely obsurd lie. While attending Parents/Teacher conferences during the previous school years of my children, I have come to realize that, well, the educators here are very fake. They plaster a plastic grin while meeting with their students' guardians, but on many occasions and many true reports from my children and fellow parents, have come to notice that they are not who they seem. They are strict, unfair, and they tend to judge a lot more harsh than they should. For example, my daughter often reported of her Spanish exams including information that has never been taught to her before. How do you expect children who have never been introduced to a subject, ace a test? It surely doesn't take an utter genius to figure that one out.

    Although, I must take time to point out that the teacher involvement and guidance are the highlights of this school. I have no had any run-ins with these situations.
  • Reviewed by Student on September 07, 2009
  • Rating: 2 (2 / 5) Flag as inappropriate
  • I am a student from William T Rogers and I am disappointed to say that after going to this school for approximately two years, I find it very difficult to do my best here.

    To start off, the teachers, principals, etc, are unfair in many of their judgements. They make decisions based on who came to them first, rather then on who's story is accurate and true.

    Student achievement is a yet another epic failure. I know I am a very intellegent student, but I test low because the teachers here aren't very supportive. If you make them angry, they will grade you unfairly. That is very, very unprofessional.

    Teach involvement...Wow. Let's just say, as long as you don't anger any of them, they could care less what you life is like inside or outside of school.

    Extracurricular activities and sports are decent. Not much I could say about this perticular subject.

    Classroom, building, and playground saftey is also pretty fair.

    School homework load appropirateness, from a scale of one to ten, is a high 8. Most of the teachers provide us with way to much homework, some of which are just given as a form of punishment. I find that..."Stupid", only because education is for knowledge, and certainly not dicipline.

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