Zanesville High School

1701 Blue Ave, Zanesville, OH 43701 | (740) 453-0335
  • Grades: 9-12
  • Student Enrollment: 943
Not Available

3.5 out of 5 | 2 Reviews
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School Description

School Summary and Highlights
Additional Contact Information
  • Principal or Admin: Mark L. Ulbrich
  • Fax: (740) 455-4329
School Operational Details
  • Title I Eligible
    All students of this school are eligible for participation in authorized programs.
School District Details

Faculty Details and Student Enrollment

Students and Faculty
  • Total Students Enrolled: 943
  • Total Full Time "Equivalent" Teachers: 42.2
  • Average Student-To-Teacher Ratio: 22.4
Students Gender Breakdown
  • Males: 469 (49.7%)
  • Females: 422 (44.8%)
Free Lunch Student Eligibility Breakdown
  • Eligible for Reduced Lunch: 49 (5.2%)
  • Eligible for Free Lunch: 402 (42.6%)
  • Eligible for Either Reduced or Free Lunch: 451 (47.8%)
Student Enrollment Distribution by Race / Ethnicity
Zanesville High School Student Race Distribution
  Number Percent
American Indian20.2%
Number of Students Per Grade
Number of Students Per Grade For Zanesville High School
  Number Percent
9th Grade28630.3%
10th Grade26227.8%
11th Grade21823.1%
12th Grade17718.8%
Graduate Information (2009)
Graduation Rate
Graduating With Honors
Graduates Taking ACT
Graduates Taking SAT
Teacher Credentials & Experience (2010)
Percent of Teachers That Have at Least a Master's Degree
Percent of Teachers That Have at Least a Bachelor's Degree
Percent of Teachers That Are Properly Certified
Percent of Teachers That Are Not Highly Qualified
Average Years of Teacher Experience
Average Teacher Salary
Source: OH Department of Education, Source: NCES 2009-2010

School Ratings and Reviews

Overall Rating: 3.5

3.5 out of 5 | 2 Reviews
The Overall Rating is the school's average rating from parents, students, school faculty and staff. The highest rating is five apples and the lowest is one apple.

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  • Principal leadership and staff
  • Overall ranking and student achievement
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  • Classroom, building and playground safety
  • School homework load appropriateness
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2 reviews for Zanesville High School

  • Reviewed by Parent/Guardian on June 06, 2008
  • Rating: 2 (2 / 5) Flag as inappropriate
  • Things have changed so much over the years at Zanesville High School. So many kids are not learning, they are being passed without having absorbed any information. I have yet to come across a teacher in this school that isn't in denial about how poorly the students are doing. When a teacher's class average is a C- or a D- then something is not working. There is entirely too much talking, and acting out in class- not enough discipline. VERY POOR communication with parents. The district very rarely puts grades or assignments on the web page- most teachers never even submit them. I am envious of other districts that have ALL their kid's grades and assignments posted. The attitude of teachers at this school is that if they want to learn they will, and if they don't then that's their loss. These are KIDS! If the majority of the kids don't care about learning then the majority of kids will continue to not care about learning. Kids look to their peers for examples and advice so often. It is the school's (and the parent's if we could get some communication from the school) job to let the kids know what is expected of them and to follow through with making sure the kids learn. Stop teaching only the "easy" kids who happen to be blessed with the maturity to get past the group and actually have the desire to learn. It is the school's job to teach ALL the kids!!! The future of the Zanesville community depends on it!
  • Reviewed by Former Student on June 29, 2007
  • Rating: 5 (5 / 5) Flag as inappropriate
  • I have fond memories of my educational experiences at ZHS '68

    I feel that the teachers and college prep. courses did their job in getting me ready for my years at Ohio U.

    I am 57 years old and I could write in detail, my happy memories of ZHS.

    I've made it a point to drive by ZHS many times when I've come to town to visit. I am proud of ZHS. I just love to look at the building to be sure it is still standing. It is important.

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