Colton High School

777 West Valley Blvd, Colton, CA 92324 | (909) 580-5005
  • Grades: 9-12
  • Student Enrollment: 3,308
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4 out of 5 | 5 Reviews
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School Description

School Summary and Highlights
Additional Contact Information
  • Mailing Address: 777 West Valley Blvd., Colton, CA 92324
School District Details

Faculty Details and Student Enrollment

Students and Faculty
  • Total Students Enrolled: 3,308
  • Total Full Time "Equivalent" Teachers: 139.0
  • Average Student-To-Teacher Ratio: 23.8
Students Gender Breakdown
  • Males: 1,715 (51.8%)
  • Females: 1,593 (48.2%)
Free Lunch Student Eligibility Breakdown
  • Eligible for Reduced Lunch: 358 (10.8%)
  • Eligible for Free Lunch: 1,914 (57.9%)
  • Eligible for Either Reduced or Free Lunch: 2,272 (68.7%)
Student Enrollment Distribution by Race / Ethnicity
Colton High School Student Race Distribution
  Number Percent
American Indian180.5%
Number of Students Per Grade
Number of Students Per Grade For Colton High School
  Number Percent
9th Grade92628.0%
10th Grade90227.3%
11th Grade77523.4%
12th Grade70521.3%
Graduates Information (2010)
Graduation Rate
Teacher Education Background (2009)
Percent With Master's Degree
Percent With Bachelor's Degree
Percent With Ph.D.
Teacher Credentials & Experience (2009)
Average Age
Average Number of Years of Teacher Experience: 12.6
Number of Certificated Staff: 152.0
Percent of Teachers With Credentials: 97.6%
Percent of Teachers With Emergency Credentials: 0.8%
Source: CA Department of Education, Source: NCES 2009-2010

School Ratings and Reviews

Overall Rating: 4

4 out of 5 | 5 Reviews
The Overall Rating is the school's average rating from parents, students, school faculty and staff. The highest rating is five apples and the lowest is one apple.

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5 reviews for Colton High School

  • Reviewed by Student on November 01, 2010
  • Rating: 4 (4 / 5) Flag as inappropriate
  • People say Colton High School has alot of stuff wrong with it. Well yeah sure every school has problems. Can anybody tell me one school that doesn't?One school that's perfect? No one perfect so people from other school districts stop acting like you are! And Colton doesn't have slacking parents or students! If you stop to think about it most of Colton families are hard working and proud of it! Yes we have some people that don't even try but who doesn't! All im trying to say is dont judge us unless you live in Colton and unless you go to our school and live in our homes!
  • Reviewed by Student on July 07, 2009
  • Rating: 4 (4 / 5) Flag as inappropriate
  • I wouldn't say Colton High school Is bad, but it has its problems just like any High school in the country. And the Thing About the Football players getting lots of attention I would say that isn't far from the truth, but don't call us stupid. Half of us were in the AP classes Calculus, English, Spanish, and History those were all my AP classes my Senior year. And I wasn't there alone Half of the team had those classes with me. So don't put down the football players because we work just as hard as any student on campus that wanted to succeed. Sure some teachers gave us break because they knew we were on the football team, but they gave breaks to everyone like the people in the band ect. What I can say is that I learned RESPECT at colton High School because of the football team, under the Coaching of Harold Strauss
  • Reviewed by Former Student on April 30, 2009
  • Rating: 3 (3 / 5) Flag as inappropriate
  • Colton High has some very good, dedicated teachers but like every organization there are some bad apples. The board and the district makes rules which do not promote success, and then wonder why students are failing. They only care about the sports and how the big deal football players get all these scholarships to good colleges. The problem is that the football players get easy grades to keep them playing and most can't add and subtract, so they bomb out of college quickly. Bad parents poor school leadership = Uneducated students.
  • Reviewed by Student on October 11, 2008
  • Rating: 5 (5 / 5) Flag as inappropriate
  • their football team is great. people make excuses and may call colton bad, its not. it has alot of hard workers and some slackers but every school does. so you shouldn't judge what you don't know unless you go there. repsect them a little, thats what i learn at that school.
  • Reviewed by Staff Member on August 03, 2007
  • Rating: 3 (3 / 5) Flag as inappropriate
  • Colton High School has many problems. And these are problems that the teachers cannot fix. If parents want a good education, then they need to start parenting their children. Teach them respect, make them go to school, study, do homework and discipline them when they do not. Instead they raise lazy kids, dont send them to school, reward them with ipods and cell phones and then complain at the teachers the last week of the semester when they find out their little darling has failed. They are quick enough to demand money for football equipment, how about supplies for the classroom. The school also needs qualified leadership, right now no one is leading...

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